If you have been contacted by the surgery and asked to attend for a Spirometry Lung Function Test there is some important information that you need to be aware of prior to attending your appointment.

A spirometry lung function test is a measurement of breathing and is used for the diagnosis and monitoring of lung function.  The test will be carried out by one of our Health Care Assistants, and may take up to 30 minutes to perform.  Spirometry tests may also form part of your annual review appointment if you have COPD.

Preparing for your appointment

It is important that you do not:

  • eat a large meal within 2 hours of the test;
  • smoke for 1 hour before the test;
  • drink alcohol within 4 hours of the test starting;

We ask that you do:

  • wear loose, comfortable clothing to avoid restriction of breathing;
  • avoid strenuous exercise within 30 minutes of the test.

You can take all your normal medications, including inhalers, before this test.  Indeed if you use regular reliever inhalers, we ask that you ensure you use them 30 minutes before the appointment.

To ensure it is safe to perform the test, and so that we can produce accurate results, we will not be able to do the test if any of the following applies to you:

  • current chest infection or an infection within the last 4-6 weeks
  • coughing up blood
  • recent eye, chest or abdomen surgery
  • recent collapsed lung (or within 2 weeks of resolving)
  • recent heart attack, uncontrolled high blood pressure or blood clot, or unstable angina
  • nausea and vomiting
  • tuberculosis (TB)
  • diagnosis of aneurysm

If any of the above applies to you, please contact the practice to cancel the appointment and we will advise you accordingly.

To protect our patients and staff from COVID-19, you must not attend your appointment if any of the following applies to you:

  • You have tested positive for COVID-19.
  • You or a member of your household, or someone you have come into contact with, has symptoms of COVID-19 (new, persistent cough; temperature of 37.8 degrees or higher; loss of smell or taste; flu-like symptoms).
  • You have been asked to isolate in the 10 days prior to your appointment by the NHS App, public health or an NHS professional.

If you have a long-standing chronic cough, please inform the staff member performing your spirometry test.

Should you be unable to attend your appointment, please contact the practice and we will be happy to re-arrange.

If you have any questions about spirometry, or require any further guidance, please don't hesitate to get in touch.


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