Clinics & Services

Care for children's health

Child health development – this service is provided in partnership with the Health Visitor.

Childhood Immunisations - the nurses can vaccinate your pre-school child and are happy to discuss any questions or concerns you may have regarding these. Vaccinations for school age children are managed & administered by an external provider. These normally take place at the child's school.

Care for young people's health 

We aim to offer a friendly and confidential service for all young people. We can help with:

  • Contraception including pills, injections, implants or coils
  • Sexually transmitted infections (STI's)
  • Advice on smoking, drugs and alcohol 
  • Help with mental health issues, bullying or relationship problems
  • Advice and support with unexpected pregnancy
  • Treatment for skin problems like acne

Care for women's health

Antenatal clinic

This service is provided at the practice by the midwife

Cervical smears

The practice nurses carry out cervical smears. You will be advised when you need to make an appointment.

Care for patients with chronic (long-term) conditions

We provide an annual review for patients with the following long term conditions:

  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • Heart Disease (IHD)
  • Diabetes (Types 1 & 2)
  • Chronic Kidney Disease
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Asthma
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
  • HRT
  • Mental health problems

The service is provided by our healthcare assistants, practice nurses and the pharmacist. We will contact you by text, phone or letter when it is time for your annual review. When you receive your invite, please contact to practice to make an appointment.

Other Care Services

Family planning

We offer a comprehensive family planning service including cap, coil and implanon (implant) fitting, and advice on vasectomies for men. Please contact the practice for an appointment.

Flu vaccination

Flu can be serious, if you have a chronic condition such as asthma, diabetes, heart disease, lung disease, epilepsy or are on tablets which suppress your immune system. For these patients, we would normally recommend that you have an annual flu vaccination. Please look out for our flu vaccination open sessions, normally held towards the end of September. Alternatively, if you miss these sessions, you can make an appointment to have the vaccination with one of our HCAs. Please call the practice if you need further information.

Shingles vaccination

The shingles vaccination is offered to patients as they reach their 70th birthday and is a once only vaccination. The vaccination programme is relatively new and there is a “catch up” programme for older patients, who may be able to have the vaccination up to age 80.

Travel immunisations

Please contact the practice to book an appointment with our practice nurse for advice about immunisation and avoiding tropical illnesses. Please get advice as soon as you have booked your holiday.

Minor operations

The surgery runs a comprehensive minor surgery service. We perform: -

  • Injections for a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions.
  • Aspirations for certain cysts.
  • Cryo-cautery (freezing) for suitable skin lesions.
  • Incisions for drainage of abscesses, haematomas and some cysts.
  • Excisions for certain skin and subcutaneous conditions ("lumps & bumps")

Please note:

We are no longer funded for cosmetic procedures, in line with the East Midlands Adult Cosmetic Procedures Policy. This applies to both cryotherapy (freezing) and minor operations. If we are unable to provide the service, we are able to provide contact details for local private providers.

Citizens Advice Bureau

The Citizens Advice Bureau offers a service to patients of our practice. This is available on Wednesday mornings for patients registered at both practices and appointments are usually at the Gosforth Valley site. 


Citizens Advice also offers appointments at other venues in Dronfield and Eckington please see our website for more information.

First Contact Physiotherapy Services

Have a musculoskeletal problem and want to speak to someone at the surgery? Initially you are likely to be directed to one of our First Contact Physios (FCPs) who are experts at diagnosing and treating these problems and have the ability to refer you on for further tests if necessary. We'd encourage all of our patients to engage with them as outcomes have been shown to be better than speaking to a doctor first!

Musculoskeletal First Contact Practitioners (FCPs) work alongside your GP and Nurse Practitioner as part of the General Practice team. They are Physiotherapists with advanced skills that provide expert assessment for people with injuries to bones, muscles and joints, or longer-term conditions like low back pain, neck pain and arthritis. The FCPs will diagnose what is happening and give expert advice on how to best manage your condition. They may also refer you on for a course of Physiotherapy treatment, to other specialist services or for investigations such as X-rays, MRI scans and blood tests if necessary.

You can book to speak to our FCPs directly, without the need to see a GP, by contacting your practice’s reception.

Test Results            

You should ring us for your results on 01246 439101 (Moss Valley) or 01246 419040 (Gosforth Valley). To protect your privacy we cannot give your results to anyone else unless you ask us to.

If the result is complicated, we may ask you to speak to the nurse or doctor.

When you have had a test taken, please allow seven working days before phoning for the result.

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