What is the purpose of the Patient Participation Group (PPG)?

  • To contribute to the improved running of the practice for the benefit of its patients & staff
  • To ensure that patient perspectives are presented to the practice with a view to them being taken into account by the practice in its decision making regarding the quality & range of services it provides or commissions.

Read the full terms of reference here

What is the structure of the Patient Participation Group (PPG)?

We currently operate a combined PPG representing patients from both of our sites. The PPG consists of patient representatives from their patient group with an elected chairperson & secretary.  The Chair person is Mr Glyn Jones (email address glynandwendy@btopenworld.com).  Meetings can be attended by anyone registered with the practice. However, if you would like to contribute to the agenda, you should let the practice know and contact Glyn via his email address for more information and dates of future meetings.

We are particularly looking for younger members and patients who normally attend the Moss Valley site as we are currently under-represented in these groups.

When are PPG meetings held?

We aim to hold 5 meetings per year and these are normally alternated between our two sites. You can access the notes (or agenda) for each meeting, together with any relevant documents discussed at the meetings by clicking on the links below.

20 November 202518:30Gosforth Valley(Agenda to follow)
18 September 202518:30Moss Valley(Agenda to follow)
17 July 202518:30Gosforth Valley(Agenda to follow)
15 May 202518:30Moss Valley(Agenda to follow)
20 February 202518:30Gosforth Valley(Agenda to follow)
21 November 202418:30Moss ValleyNotes (Draft)
19 September 202418:30Gosforth Valley

Notes and DHU Presentation

18 July 202418:30Moss ValleyNotes
16 May 202418:30Gosforth ValleyNotes
22nd February 202418:30Moss ValleyNotes
23rd November 202318:30Gosforth ValleyNotes
18 September 202318:30Gosforth ValleyNotes
20th July 202318:30Moss ValleyNotes
18th May 202318:30Moss ValleyNotes
23rd February 202318:30Gosforth ValleyNotes
24th November 202218:30Moss ValleyCANCELLED
8th September 202218:30Gosforth ValleyNotes
21st July 202218:30Moss ValleyNotes
5th May 202218:30Gosforth Valley Notes
1st March 202218:30virtual via videoNotes
23rd November 202118:30virtual via videoNotes  Letter to Patients
28th September 202118:30virtual via videoNotes
6th July 202118:30virtual via videoNotes
8th April 202118:30virtual via videoNotes  
28th January 202118:30virtual via videoNotes  Patient Survey 2020
12th November 202018:30virtual via videoNotes Update
30th June 2020 - cancelled19:00Gosforth Valley
21st April 2020 - cancelled18:30Moss Valley
20th February 202018:30Gosforth ValleyNotes Update Patient Survey
3rd December 201918:30Moss ValleyNotes Update
19th September 201918:30Gosforth ValleyNotes Update
25th June 201918:30Moss ValleyNotes Update Primary Care Networks
11th April 201918:30Gosforth ValleyNotes Update Communications Group
12th February 201919:00Gosforth ValleyNotes Update
22nd January 201918:30Moss ValleyNotes Update
23rd October 201818:30Moss ValleyNotes Update Practice leaflet
24th July 201818:30Moss ValleyNotes Update Extended Access Survey Results NAPP Conference
17th July 201819:00Gosforth ValleyNotes Update Extended Access Survey Results NAPP Conference
12th April 201818:30Gosforth ValleyNotes Update DNA report
20th February 201818:30Moss ValleyNotes Update
7th December 201718:30Gosforth ValleyNotes Update
14th November 201718:30Moss ValleyNotes Update
5th September 201718:30Moss ValleyNotes Update
27th June 201718:30Moss ValleyNotes Update
15th June 201718:30Gosforth ValleyNotes Update
7th March 201719:00Gosforth ValleyNotes Presentation
17th January 201719:00Moss ValleyNotes

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