Weight Management Referrals

The NHS is having a big push this year to try to encourage adults classified as either overweight (BMI >25) or obese (BMI >30) to try to lose weight as it has been shown that weight loss can have a significant impact on reducing your risk of future disease such as heart disease or cancer.

We are currently able to refer our patients to two FREE NHS Weight Management programmes. If your BMI is >30, you can be referred to either, or if your BMI is >25 you can access the Live Life Better Derbyshire service. Please see your text message to see which group you fall into.

If you would like to be referred, please reply to the message stating your preference of the service you would like referral to. We will then arrange this and you should hear back directly from your chosen service.


Live Life Better Derbyshire (BMI >25)

Live Life Better Derbyshire offers free weight management support which will help you to set, and achieve, your long term weight loss goals.

But we’re different to other weight loss programmes as we look at the emotional and psychological elements of weight management as well as concentrating on the food that you are actually eating.

We offer personalised support with one of our friendly Health Improvement Advisors.

You’ll get information on lots of topics including portion sizes, food labels, balanced diets and understanding eating triggers.

Our qualified and experienced advisers will also support you to find suitable, local exercise and activity opportunities.


NHS Digital (BMI >30 only)

The NHS Digital Weight Management Programme supports adults living with obesity who also have a diagnosis of diabetes, hypertension or both, to manage their weight and improve their health.

It is a 12-week online behavioural and lifestyle programme that people can access via a smartphone or computer with internet access


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